The Hannover Medical School in Germany are ambassadors of PROMPT Training in their maternity unit.  Since attending the PROMPT T3 Training in the UK, the team in Germany, led by Prof Constantin von Kaisenberg, have translated the PROMPT course manual and trainer's manual into German.

In May 2018, Prof Tim Draycott and Dr Cathy Winter from PROMPT UK observed their local PROMPT training. The day included workshops on shoulder dystocia, vaginal breech delivery, spontaneous twin birth and basic newborn resuscitation.

In October 2019, Prof von Kaisenberg began the process of seeking a licence from The PROMPT Maternity Foundation to enable him and his team to provide PROMPT T3 across German-speaking countries. 

In October 2022, a team from the PROMPT Maternity Foundation travelled to Germany to support the roll-out of PROMPT with Prof von Kaisenberg and the team.