PROMPT's story 2006 A multi-professional team at Southmead Hospital in Bristol evaluated the effect of their local obstetric emergency training day. They compared maternal and neonatal outcomes in the four years before training and four years after the training had been introduced. It was found that the training not only improved knowledge & teamworking, but was also associated with significant improvements in outcomes: 50% reduction in neonatal hypoxic brain injuries 70% reduction in injuries after shoulder dystocia Improvements in Category 1 emergency caesarean sections 2008 As a result of the positive findings of the SaFE Study and also the associated outcome improvements at Southmead Hospital, the PROMPT (PRactical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training) Train-The-Trainers package was developed by a dedicated group of health care professionals based in maternity units in the South West of England, UK. The package was designed to be used locally and to improve outcomes for mothers and their babies. The PROMPT ‘Course in a box’ was published with the assistance of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (RCOG). National recommendations for multi-professional obstetric emergencies training for all maternity staff in the UK, coupled with data demonstrating improved outcomes for mothers and their babies led to PROMPT being adopted by most units in the UK. 2012 The 2nd edition of the PROMPT 'Course in a box' was published with continued Train The Trainers (T3) Courses being presented both in the UK and internationally. 2017 The 3rd edition of the PROMPT 'Course in a box' was published with updated modules including the new and popular PROMPT CiPP (Care of the Critically Ill Pregnant Patient). 2018 The PROMPT team have been successful in securing a grant from the Health Foundation to generate a deeper understanding of the potential of Social franchising and Licencing models for scaling effective health and social care interventions within the NHS. PMF will be supported by Spring Impact, who have been recruited on behalf of the Health Foundation, to develop a replication model for scaling up PROMPT from its original site. 2019 The ‘PROMPT Partnership Programme’ (Pilot) was developed in collaboration with The Health Foundation and supported by guidance from Spring Impact (a social franchise organisation), to develop an enhanced package of support, to address some of these implementation difficulties and support units to ensure the effective uptake of PROMPT to fulfil CNST training requirements. Five maternity units were recruited to the pilot and the PMF team worked closely with these units to support the adaptation of PROMPT to their local needs. All sites were able to initiate training more rapidly and consistently than the previous ‘train the trainer’ model. 2020 The global COVID-19 pandemic meant maternity units were unable to safely continue to provide face-to-face learning. As a response to this, the PMF team developed an interim e-learning package, provided free of charge to all UK maternity units. This was taken up by 245 maternity units in the UK and internationally across 20 different countries, and 40+ universities in the UK and overseas. PROMPT staff were also re-deployed during this time to help in front line roles within the local maternity units. 2021 Annual Update – the first edition of the new Annual Update Package was developed and launched globally. This new package includes updated resources on six new modules for: Shoulder Dystocia Postpartum Haemorrhage Maternal Sepsis Vaginal Breech Birth Severe Hypertension and Eclampsia NEW - Impacted Fetal Head T3 training was also in large demand, so the team devised and launched the PROMPT Virtual T3 course, allowing more staff from maternity units to join that we had been able to accommodate before. To date the PROMPT team have delivered this format to teams within the UK, Ireland, Australia and Canada. 2021 also saw the team launch the new Pre-hospital PROMPT (PHP) training individual Learning Management System e-learning platform for paramedics and ambulance staff, which received a lot of interest. 2022 Due to the popularity of the Pre-hospital (PHP) training PROMPT resources, this year we have launched our new PHP Training Package, including physical and digital resources to localise and support the delivery of the pre-hospital maternity emergency training for the paramedics and ambulance staff. This has been supported by our first virtual PHP T3 delivered in collaboration with our with South West Ambulance Foundation Trust (SWASFT) colleagues, who have helped us to develop these resources. 2023 This has been another busy year so far for the team, beginning with the launch of our second Annual Update training package (2022/23) at the beginning of the year for teams in the United Kingdom and Ireland. This second Annual Update training package includes new and updated information on the 8 new modules for: Antepartum haemorrhage Maternal collapse Maternal cardiac arrest Umbilical cord prolapse Anaesthetic emergencies including: Local systemic anaesthetic toxicity High regional block Failed intubation Uterine rupture In this second Annual Update we have also included: Our new PROMPT Implementation programme, also known as iPROMPT, which replaces our previously run Train-the-Trainers (T3) courses Community PROMPT - a stand-alone training package for midwife-led teams wishing to run local maternity emergencies training in community settings. Following the launch of the second Annual Update training package, the team are pleased to have launched our PROMPT Global training package for international teams (outside of the UK). The package also includes the new PROMPT Global Implementation (iPROMPT) programme. Manage Cookie Preferences