About us Our Charity Our Charity Charity aims The aim of the PROMPT Maternity Foundation charity is to reduce preventable harm to mothers and babies in maternity care by making PROMPT as widely available and as effective as possible. Charity focus To achieve this mission the charity focuses on: Conducting research into the efficacy of obstetrics emergencies training. Encouraging a system wide approach to reducing preventable harm. Working collaboratively with clinicians around the world to share best practice and research. Delivery of market-priced PROMPT Train The Trainers (T3) programmes within the UK and market-priced, subsidised or free T3 programmes outside of the UK dependant upon countries being of high, medium or low resource. Development of new training packages, materials and tools to promote sustainable, best practice and reduce maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. Conducting the affairs of PMF through good governance, best practice and compliance with all relevant regulations and enactments, treating all those with whom the charity has dealings with fairness and respect. Charity appeals Find out more about our appeals in: Zimbabwe Sierra Leone Charity governance To achieve its goal of making PROMPT training available worldwide, whether that be in high, medium or low-resource countries, In 2011 The PROMPT Maternity Foundation (PMF) registered as a charity with the Charity Commission for England & Wales (Charity No. 1140557) and as a Company Limited by Guarantee (Company No 07506593) in England and Wales. Further information can be found on the Charity Commission website. Manage Cookie Preferences