Good inter-professional teamworking underpins high quality health care and is recommended by both the Department of Health and the World Health Organisation. In 2016, the NHS National Maternity Services Review recommended, 'Multiprofessional learning should be a core part of all pre-registration training for midwives and obstetricians, so that they understand and respect each other's skills and perspectives'.

Multi-professional simulation training has long been established for maternity staff and is mandated by national bodies such as NHS England, NICE, MBRRACE and NHS Resolution. The introduction of inter-professional simulation training for healthcare professionals at undergraduate level enables the early development of a teamworking culture, which then should continue post qualification. This is supported in the government response in 2023 to the Kirkup report, which stated that 'given that professional behaviours start to develop at undergraduate level, there should be a focus on improving interprofessional experiences pre-registration.' PROMPT was specifically named in the response as an example of training that can help to contribute to an environment of good teamworking.

Undergraduate PROMPT is specifically designed for maternity students (student midwives and medical students). However, the themes covered in this package could easily be adapted for other medical emergency situations; the skills and teamworking required to manage each scenario are likely to be transferable to other specialties.

This training package provides guidance and materials for midwives, obstetricians and university lecturers wishing to introduce an inter-professional Undergraduate PROMPT course programme within their university/institution.

Importantly, the Undergraduate PROMPT package has been formally evaluated and is associated with meaningful improvements in students’ inter-professional attitudes, including teamwork and knowledge acquisition.

The training materials include:

  • Guidance for trainers - Informational video & Trainers guide                                                              


  • PowerPoint presentations (with facilitator notes)     that can be adapted to suit your local curriculum
  • Scenario/ workshop booklets which include example scenarios, clinical and team working/human factors checklists and clinical algorithms 
  • A digital Obstetric Emergencies Algorithm Booklet for student attendees. This can be shared via the university LMS (e.g. Blackboard)
  • Access to the digital resources via our LMS for trainers


For more information on the resources provided within our facilitators kit, please watch our video below:



For pricing and more information about this package, please contact us via [email protected]